КИМ английский язык 5

Рассмотрено и принято
решением педагогического совета
МБОУ «Ш-ИСОО с.Уэлен»
Протокол №1 от «27» августа

Директор МБОУ
«Ш-ИСОО с. Уэлен»
____________М.Б. Титаренко
«28» августа 2020г.
Приказ №01-05/107

учитель английского языка

Сангаджи-Гаряева Л.М.

Контрольно-измерительные материалы для проведения промежуточной аттестации по предмету «Английский язык» за курс 5 класса
Структура КИМ для промежуточной аттестации
Цель – выявление уровня освоения учащимися 5-х классов предметных образовательных результатов курса английского языка в соответствии с
требованиями ООП и стандарта.
Распределение заданий по проверяемым предметным способам действия:
Проверяемое умение и способы
Количес Номера
Тип задания
ный балл за
Понимание основного содержания
прочитанного текста и запрашиваемой
информации в прочитанном тексте.
Установление логических связей.
Понимание основного содержания
прочитанного текста и запрашиваемой
информации в прочитанном тексте.
Установление логических связей в
Критерии оценивания:
Оценка письменной части промежуточной работы для заданий 1-23 проводится путем сравнения ответов учащегося, перенесенных в бланк ответов, с
эталонными значениями в таблицах для сверки ответов к бланку ответов для каждой работы.
В заданиях 1-11 за каждый правильный ответ учащийся получает 1 балл, за задания 12-23 по 2 балла. Задание с кратким ответом или с выбором ответа
считается выполненным, если записанный ответ в бланке совпадает с эталоном (если в заданиях 1-23 в ответе сделана орфографическая ошибка, ответ
считается неверным).
Максимальное количество баллов, которое может набрать учащийся за выполнение письменной части промежуточной контрольной работы – 35.
Сумма первичных баллов
20- 28

Инструкция по выполнению работы
Письменная часть диагностической работы состоит из трѐх разделов на чтение, включающих в себя 23 задания. На выполнение заданий письменной части
работы отводится 45 минут.
Первый раздел « Чтение» содержит 4 задания на понимание прочитанных текстов. К каждому тексту нужно подобрать заголовок.(задание на установление
Во втором разделе « Чтение» нужно закончить предложения, используя информацию из текста.
Следующий раздел « Чтение» содержит 2 задания. Первое задание: прочитать отрывки, расположить их в таком порядке, чтобы получился рассказ. Второе
задание на соответствие предложенных утверждений содержанию текста (верно-неверно).
Время выполнения задания - 45 минут. Работа выполняется на отдельных листочках.
1 вариант.
Часть 1(базовый уровень).
1. Прочитай, что некоторые британцы говорят о своих увлечениях.
a) Подбери к текстам заголовки. Один заголовок лишний.
1) We are very fond of having picnics. On Sundays our family goes to some nice place in the country. We like to sit in the open air and enjoy nature. It's a pleasure to
have lunch in a forest or near the water. We can also play ball or swim if the weather is fine.
2) My best friend and I often go to the discos. We listen to music and dance there. It's fun! Rock is our favourite type of music. And we enjoy listening to jazz.
3) We have two dogs. Their names are Terry and Rex. We love them so much! Every day we take them for a walk in the park. They are so polite and nice when they
meet other dogs there. I think they say "Hello!" to them in their dog language.
4) All my friends love sport. Our favourite sports are horse riding, football and swimming. Every school and college has its own football team. We often have sport
competitions at our school. It's great when your team wins!


We are fond of sports.


British weekend


How can we spend free time


Pet lovers

e Most British are nice and polite.

b). Закончи предложения, используя информацию текста.

5). On Sundays the British like


6). They think it's pleasant to


7). Some boys often go to the disco to


8). Many British families keep


9). They enjoy looking after them and every day they


10). The most favourite sports among the British are
11). Most British schools have


Часть 2(повышенный уровень).
Прочитай три отрывка о рабочем дне девочки.
а) Расположи отрывки в таком порядке, чтобы получился рассказ.
12). At one o'clock Ann usually has lunch. After lunch she helps mother about the house. Ann doesn't like to wash the dishes but she enjoys shopping. Sometimes she
doesn't remember what her mother told her to buy but she never forgets to buy some milk for her cat.
13). Ann can play the piano very well. Her friends often come to see her in the evening. They enjoy listening to music and sometimes Ann plays or sings for them. They
always praise (хвалят) her singing. Sometimes they go out for a walk if the weather is fine and enjoy fresh air and a good company.
14). Ann often goes to bed late and she hates getting up early. Her mornings are very busy. She can't always find her things. She looks for her schoolbag everywhere and
at last finds it under the sofa. Sometimes she doesn't have time to eat her breakfast and she is often late for school. I wonder why she never gets bad marks!
b) Отметь буквой Т (true) информацию, соответствующую тексту, и буквой F( False) – не соответствующую тексту

15. She is never late for school.

16.She always gets good marks.
17.She goes to bed early.
18. She enjoys shopping.
19. Sometimes she goes for а walk in the evening.

20.She doesn't sing well.
21.She can't find her things in the morning.
22.She always buys milk for her cat.
23.She likes to wash the dishes.

2 Вариант. ( базовый уровень).
Прочитайте, что некоторые британцы говорят о своих увлечениях.
a) Подберите к текстам заголовки. Один заголовок лишний.
1) We are very fond of having picnics. On Sundays our family goes to some nice place in the country. We like to sit in the open air and enjoy nature. It's a
pleasure to have lunch in a forest or near the water. We can also play ball or swim if the weather is fine.
2) All my friends love sport. Our favourite sports are horse riding, football and swimming. Every school and college has its own football team. We often have
sport competitions at our school. It's great when your team wins!
3) We have two dogs. Their names are Terry and Rex. We love them so much! Every day we take them for a walk in the park. They are so polite and nice when
they meet other dogs there. I think they say "Hello!" to them in their dog language.
4) My best friend and I often go to the discos. We listen to music and dance there. It's fun! Rock is our favourite type of music. And we enjoy listening to jazz.
a We are fond of sports.

British weekend


Most British are polite and reserved


Our pets.


How can we spend free time

b). Закончите предложения, используя информацию текста.
5). They enjoy looking after them and every day they


6). The most favourite sports among the British are


7). Most British schools have


8) It’s great when the team


9) On Sundays the British are fond of


10) The dogs’ names are
11) We often go _


Прочитайте три отрывка о рабочем дне девочки.
а) Расположите отрывки в таком порядке, чтобы получился рассказ.
12). Ann often goes to bed late and she hates getting up early. Her mornings are very busy. She can't always find her things. She looks for her schoolbag
everywhere and at last finds it under the sofa. Sometimes she doesn't have time to eat her breakfast and she is often late for school. I wonder why she never gets bad
13). Ann can play the piano very well. Her friends often come to see her in the evening. They enjoy listening to music and sometimes Ann plays or sings for
them. They always praise (хвалят) her singing. Sometimes they go out for a walk if the weather is fine and enjoy fresh air and a good company.
14). At one o'clock Ann usually has lunch. After lunch she helps mother about the house. Ann doesn't like to wash the dishes but she enjoys shopping. Sometimes
she doesn't remember what her mother told her to buy but she never forgets to buy some milk for her cat.

b) Отметьте буквой Т (true) информацию, соответствующую тексту, и буквой F ( False) – не соответствующую тексту.

15. She doesn't sing well.
16. She can't find her things in the morning.

17.She always buys milk for her cat.
18. She likes to wash the dishes.
19. She goes to bed late.

20 .She likes shopping.
21. She can’ t play the piano very well.
22. Her friends never come to see her.
23. They enjoy dancing.

3 вариант.
Часть 1(базовый уровень).
Прочитайте, что некоторые британцы говорят о своих увлечениях.
a) Подберите к текстам заголовки. Один заголовок лишний.
1) We are very fond of having picnics. On Sundays our family goes to some nice place in the country. We like to sit in the open air and enjoy nature. It's a
pleasure to have lunch in a forest or near the water. We can also play ball or swim if the weather is fine.
2) All my friends love sport. Our favourite sports are horse riding, football and swimming. Every school and college has its own football team. We often have
sport competitions at our school. It's great when your team wins!
3) We have two dogs. Their names are Terry and Rex. We love them so much! Every day we take them for a walk in the park. They are so polite and nice when
they meet other dogs there. I think they say "Hello!" to them in their dog language.
4) My best friend and I often go to the discos. We listen to music and dance there. It's fun! Rock is our favourite type of music. And we enjoy listening to jazz.
a We are fond of sports.


British weekend


Most British are polite and reserved


Our pets.


How can we spend free time

b). Закончите предложения, используя информацию текста.
5). They enjoy looking after them and every day they


6). The most favourite sports among the British are


7). Most British schools have


8) It’s great when the team


9) On Sundays the British are fond of


10) The dogs’ names are
11) We often go _


Часть 2 ( повышенный уровень).
2.Прочитай три отрывка о рабочем дне девочки.
а) Расположи отрывки в таком порядке, чтобы получился рассказ.

12.I come home at 2 o’clock and have dinner. Then I have a little rest and start doing my homework.
In the evening I have supper and then watch TV or play computer games. I go to bed at 10 o’clock.
13 .I have breakfast at half past 7. I usually have a glass of juice and a sandwich.

I leave home at 8 o’clock. My school is near my house and it takes me 5 minutes to get there. I usually have 6 lessons at school. For example, today I have English,
Russian, Science, Maths, History and Art.
14 .I usually get up at 7 o’clock on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. On weekends I get up late because I don’t have to go to school (work).
After that I go to the bathroom and wash my face. Next I make my bed and dress.
b) Отметь буквой Т (true) информацию, соответствующую тексту, и буквой F ( False) – не соответствующую тексту.

15. She comes home at 3o’clock and has dinner.

16.She gets up at 8 o’clock.
17. She goes to bed at 10 o’clock.
18. She does homework in the evening.
19. Sometimes she goes for а walk in the evening.

20.Her school is near her house.
21. She usually has tea for breakfast.
22. She always has5 lessons at school.
23. She leaves home at 7 o’clock.

4 вариант.

1. Прочитай, что некоторые британцы говорят о своих увлечениях.
a) Подбери к текстам заголовки. Один заголовок лишний.
1) We are very fond of having picnics. On Sundays our family goes to some nice place in the country. We like to sit in the open air and enjoy nature. It's a pleasure to
have lunch in a forest or near the water. We can also play ball or swim if the weather is fine.

2) My best friend and I often go to the discos. We listen to music and dance there. It's fun! Rock is our favourite type of music. And we enjoy listening to jazz.
3) We have two dogs. Their names are Terry and Rex. We love them so much! Every day we take them for a walk in the park. They are so polite and nice when they
meet other dogs there. I think they say "Hello!" to them in their dog language.
4) All my friends love sport. Our favourite sports are horse riding, football and swimming. Every school and college has its own football team. We often have sport
competitions at our school. It's great when your team wins!


We are fond of sports.


British weekend


How can we spend free time


Pet lovers


Most British are nice and polite.

b). Закончи предложения, используя информацию текста.

5). On Sundays the British like


6). They think it's pleasant to


7). Some boys often go to the disco to


8). Many British families keep


9). They enjoy looking after them and every day they


10). The most favourite sports among the British are


11). Most British schools have
Прочитайте три отрывка о рабочем дне девочки.

а) Расположите отрывки в таком порядке, чтобы получился рассказ.
12). Ann often goes to bed late and she hates getting up early. Her mornings are very busy. She can't always find her things. She looks for her schoolbag
everywhere and at last finds it under the sofa. Sometimes she doesn't have time to eat her breakfast and she is often late for school. I wonder why she never gets bad
13). Ann can play the piano very well. Her friends often come to see her in the evening. They enjoy listening to music and sometimes Ann plays or sings for
them. They always praise (хвалят) her singing. Sometimes they go out for a walk if the weather is fine and enjoy fresh air and a good company.
14). At one o'clock Ann usually has lunch. After lunch she helps mother about the house. Ann doesn't like to wash the dishes but she enjoys shopping. Sometimes
she doesn't remember what her mother told her to buy but she never forgets to buy some milk for her cat.

b) Отметьте буквой Т (true) информацию, соответствующую тексту, и буквой F ( False) – не соответствующую тексту.
15. She doesn't sing well.
16. She can't find her things in the morning.

17.She always buys milk for her cat.
18. She likes to wash the dishes.
19. She goes to bed late.

20 .She likes shopping.
21. She can’ t play the piano very well.
22. Her friends never come to see her.
23. They enjoy dancing.

Вариант 1. Задание 1.
a ) 1 B 2C 3 D 4 A
b) 5) of having picnics
6) to have lunch in a forest
7) to listen to music and dance
8) pets ( dogs)
9) take them for a walk
10) horse riding, football and swimming
11) football team
Задание 2.
a ) 14 12 13
b) 15 F 16 T 17 F 18T 19 T 20 F 21 T 22 T 23 F
Задание 1.
5) take them for a walk in a park
6) horse riding football swimming

7) football team
9) having picnics
10) Terry and Rex
11) to the discos
Задание 2.
12 14 13
15 F 16 T 17 T 18 F 19 T 20 T 21 F 22 F 23 F
3 вариант. Задание 1.
5) take them for a walk in a park
6) horse riding football swimming
7) football team
9) having picnics
10) Terry and Rex
11) to the discos
Задание 2.

14 13 12
15 F 16 F

17 T 18 F 19 F 20 T 21 F 22 F 23 F

4 вариант.
Задание 1.
a ) 1 B 2C 3 D 4 A
b) 5) of having picnics
6) to have lunch in a forest
7) to listen to music and dance
8) pets ( dogs)
9) take them for a walk
10) horse riding, football and swimming
11) football team
Задание 2.
12 14 13
15 F 16 T 17 T 18 F 19 T 20 T 21 F 22 F 23 F


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